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Zamiacalcas zamiifolia
Zamiacalcas zamiifolia
orZamiacaulcas zamiafolia - ZZ Plant
The ZZ plant is a foliage plant with thick, almost waxy leaves and large potato-like roots. It's a good grower in full shade and will eventually burst out of its pot because of the roots. In full sun with no wind, it tends to get long, floppy leaves, so I like to either put it in a windier place of give it a couple of hours of morning sun. It doesn't need much food, but likes a fluffy soil so it can expand. In a clay soil, it tends to look weak. It does not like freezing tempurates. Water whenever you darn well feel like, but don't keep it constantly wet.
Leaf cuttings can be taken during the warmer months when the ZZ plant is actively growing. Let the cut callous for a day or so and gently push it into the potting soil. All the cutting I've taken during the off-season have died.
The ZZ plant is getting very popular lately as a houseplant because they are so easy to care for.

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